Saturday, November 9, 2013

We are Holy

We are Holy
1.     Praise and Worship
2.     Offering
3.     Story (The Last Candy Bar)
4.     Draw it/Act It: Candy bar, Sam, Mom, Devil, God
5.     Aluminum Foil Face-Mini lesson
6.     Craft (Turkey Hat/or finger puppets)
7.     Clean Up

Story: Last Candy Bar

“Who ate the last candy bar?” Mom yelled as she stomped throughout the house. Sam wiped the chocolate off his mouth as he heard his mom.
“Oh no, she’s really mad! I better hide the wrapper,” he said and shoved the wrapper under his bed. He really hoped that she wouldn’t smell his breath! Sam’s mom continued to walk around the house looking for her favorite candy bar. Sam had known it was hers, but it had stared at him like ‘eat me, Sam, eat me!’ He could have sworn it had actually said that too! He felt guilty and started squirming on his bed.
“I should tell her, I ate it,” he said out loud. He started to get off his bed when he heard a voice.
“She’s not going to forgive you, Sam; you did a really bad thing! She’s not going to love you anymore!” The voice sounded weird. Sam looked around the room. Who had said that? Maybe that voice was right! Maybe his mom would be so angry that she’d kick him out of the house!
“Oh no I won’t get to play the Wii anymore! And all my toys!” He looked around the room at all his cool stuff. “I don’t think I should tell Mom I ate her candy bar. Maybe I am really bad…” he mumbled, but he still felt sad. He didn’t know what to do.
“Sam? When you do something wrong do you know that I still love you?” he heard God say in his heart. “You are holy Sam, because I made you holy through Jesus.” Sam pulled the candy wrapper from underneath his bed and stared at it. He was holy? So, even when he did wrong God still saw him as holy and his son, his mom probably would still see him as her son too. He walked toward the kitchen to confess to his mom. His mom was sitting at the table.
“Yes, Sam?” she asked. She looked sad.
“Mom, I’m really sorry, I ate your candy bar.” He laid the candy wrapper in front of her. “Please don’t kick me out of the house, Mom.” Sam hung his head. His mom looked at him with surprise.
“Oh, Sam! I would never kick you out of the house! You are my son! Even when you make a mistake! I’m really glad you told me you ate it. I love you Sam.” She pulled him into a big hug. Sam felt so relieved that a tear went down his cheek. He was so glad that God had talked to him that he was holy, and that his mom would still love him even when he messed up.
(You could have kids act out the story when you’re done)

Aluminum Foil Face (Illustration)
Q: Have you ever seen two people who look exactly alike?
Q: What are they called?
Q: In our scripture that we’re learning what does God call us?
Q: Did you know that just like God is holy so he calls US holy?
Q: Why does God call us holy? How are we holy to him?
Q: What does holy mean to you?
-Let’s say: I am Holy!
-Let’s whisper: I am holy!
-Let’s use a funny voice: I am holy!
-Let’s say in a low voice: I am holy!
Q: What does that mean that we are holy?
-Give kids a piece of foil and have them make an impression of their face.
-Tell the kids just like we made an impression of us, so we are impressions of who God is. We are a holy generation, and God sees us as holy, but we must also chose to mold our life after God. Now have them make up a face from the foil (or someone else’s face.