Saturday, November 9, 2013

We are Holy

We are Holy
1.     Praise and Worship
2.     Offering
3.     Story (The Last Candy Bar)
4.     Draw it/Act It: Candy bar, Sam, Mom, Devil, God
5.     Aluminum Foil Face-Mini lesson
6.     Craft (Turkey Hat/or finger puppets)
7.     Clean Up

Story: Last Candy Bar

“Who ate the last candy bar?” Mom yelled as she stomped throughout the house. Sam wiped the chocolate off his mouth as he heard his mom.
“Oh no, she’s really mad! I better hide the wrapper,” he said and shoved the wrapper under his bed. He really hoped that she wouldn’t smell his breath! Sam’s mom continued to walk around the house looking for her favorite candy bar. Sam had known it was hers, but it had stared at him like ‘eat me, Sam, eat me!’ He could have sworn it had actually said that too! He felt guilty and started squirming on his bed.
“I should tell her, I ate it,” he said out loud. He started to get off his bed when he heard a voice.
“She’s not going to forgive you, Sam; you did a really bad thing! She’s not going to love you anymore!” The voice sounded weird. Sam looked around the room. Who had said that? Maybe that voice was right! Maybe his mom would be so angry that she’d kick him out of the house!
“Oh no I won’t get to play the Wii anymore! And all my toys!” He looked around the room at all his cool stuff. “I don’t think I should tell Mom I ate her candy bar. Maybe I am really bad…” he mumbled, but he still felt sad. He didn’t know what to do.
“Sam? When you do something wrong do you know that I still love you?” he heard God say in his heart. “You are holy Sam, because I made you holy through Jesus.” Sam pulled the candy wrapper from underneath his bed and stared at it. He was holy? So, even when he did wrong God still saw him as holy and his son, his mom probably would still see him as her son too. He walked toward the kitchen to confess to his mom. His mom was sitting at the table.
“Yes, Sam?” she asked. She looked sad.
“Mom, I’m really sorry, I ate your candy bar.” He laid the candy wrapper in front of her. “Please don’t kick me out of the house, Mom.” Sam hung his head. His mom looked at him with surprise.
“Oh, Sam! I would never kick you out of the house! You are my son! Even when you make a mistake! I’m really glad you told me you ate it. I love you Sam.” She pulled him into a big hug. Sam felt so relieved that a tear went down his cheek. He was so glad that God had talked to him that he was holy, and that his mom would still love him even when he messed up.
(You could have kids act out the story when you’re done)

Aluminum Foil Face (Illustration)
Q: Have you ever seen two people who look exactly alike?
Q: What are they called?
Q: In our scripture that we’re learning what does God call us?
Q: Did you know that just like God is holy so he calls US holy?
Q: Why does God call us holy? How are we holy to him?
Q: What does holy mean to you?
-Let’s say: I am Holy!
-Let’s whisper: I am holy!
-Let’s use a funny voice: I am holy!
-Let’s say in a low voice: I am holy!
Q: What does that mean that we are holy?
-Give kids a piece of foil and have them make an impression of their face.
-Tell the kids just like we made an impression of us, so we are impressions of who God is. We are a holy generation, and God sees us as holy, but we must also chose to mold our life after God. Now have them make up a face from the foil (or someone else’s face.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Fruit of the Spirit Self-Control


  1. Praise and Worship
  2. Offering (Using Self-control)
  3.  Give kid’s one piece of candy and tell them if they can hang onto it until after service and not eat it you’ll give them one more. If not they just get the one.
  4. Bible Story
  5. Draw it! Have kid’s draw the bible story
  6. Questions/Vinegar and Baking Soda demonstration.
  7. Game: Dixie Cup relay (water and Dixie cups needed)
  8. Puppets

Offering Sermon:
(Bring a birthday present or a seed and a fruit)
Q: Why do we give to God?
Q: How do you feel when someone gives you a birthday gift? (Hold out gift)
Q: Why do we give birthday gifts?
Point: Just like people give us gifts because they love us and want to honor us on our birthday so it’s like with God. Because we are so thankful for all He’s done for us we give our gifts to Him!
Point: When we sow seed in the ground just like a garden we will reap fruit!
Pray over offering

Story Time!
"MINE! It's MINE!" two-year-old Benji screamed, as he grabbed the baby doll away from his older sister.
"Mom, he's doing it again!" Terri cried. "He took my doll and won't give it back."
"Why don't you and I go to the kitchen and have a cookie," Mother suggested, trying to calm her daughter. "By the time we are finished, Benji will have grown tired of the doll and will be playing with something else. I'll go get it for you when we are done."
Sure enough, by the time Terri had finished her last crumb, her doll was lying on the floor and Benji was busily playing with another toy.
Her mother picked up the doll and quietly placed it in Terri's hands, as a big smile crept across her face.
Isaac and Rebekah were living happily in the land of Gerar with their twin boys, Esau and Jacob. The Lord blessed them and their fields were producing. Isaac had many flocks and herds as well as many maids and servants.
At first the other men living around Isaac liked him and were friendly, but as the famine in the land grew worse and Isaac was prospering but they weren't, they became jealous of him.
Instead of working hard and digging their own wells, they threw stuff in Isaac's wells to clog them up. There was much tension in the land. So much so that King Abimelech called for Isaac to come see him.
"Isaac, you must leave our city," the King said to him. "You have grown very prosperous. Since you and your family are so mighty, the people are afraid you will take over their land and make them your slaves. Please leave so the people will feel at ease."
Isaac couldn't imagine how the people of the city could think such things about him. He had no desire for their land or to make them slaves. He wanted to live peaceably among them. In order to avoid confrontation, Isaac went home and told Rebekah and all his household that they had to move.
Moving was not an easy task. They had grown very wealthy and had a lot to pack. Soon the camels and donkeys were loaded with all their belongings, and they were on their way. Isaac had carefully chosen land in the valley of Gerar, which wasn't too far away from the city.
When they arrived at just the right spot, they unloaded their goods, and pitched their tents, and made themselves a new home in a place where there was an old well which his father Abraham had dug. To his dismay, Isaac found that the Philistine men had thrown dirt in that well also.
Isaac and his servants set to work busily digging out the junk and debris that had been thrown into the well. It took several men several days of laboring in the hot sun, to dig the well with picks and shovels. Finally, to their great joy, they found fresh water.
Things went well for Isaac in his new home, until the herdsmen of Gerar were in the area with their herds. They saw Isaac's new well and decided it would be a good place to draw water for their animals. They fought with Isaac's herdsmen. "This is OUR well!" they shouted. "We have lived here much longer than you, and the water is OURS!"
  1. Isaac didn't want to fight, and he didn't want any of his servants or herdsmen fighting either. He gathered them around for a talk. "The Lord has greatly blessed us here and has promised to continue blessing us," he said. "Those men aren't as fortunate as we are. They don't have any water for their livestock. They need water as much as we do, and apparently they don't know how to dig their own wells. We can give them this well, and we can dig out another of my father's wells for us to use." So they called the well Esek which means dispute (argue).

They worked and worked and finally had another well ready for use, but it wasn't long before the men of Gerar came to that well and starting fighting for it. Isaac and his family still didn't want to fight, so they peacefully gave another well to the herdsmen of Gerar. They called that well Sitnah (opposition, unfriendliness)
Isaac had another meeting with his family and servants. "It seems that we have to move again," he told them. "The men of Gerar needed this well also, so we have to move further away." His family and servants knew there was no use in trying to argue with Isaac because Isaac just wouldn't argue! They all packed up again, loaded their belongings onto the camels and donkeys, and moved to another place.
By this time they had quite an efficient digging crew! They got out their picks and shovels and started working hard. In several days they had yet another well ready for use. They had water for all their flocks and herds, and enough to water their crops. This time the herdsmen from Gerar left them alone and didn't fight for their water. There was finally enough for everyone to live peaceably. Isaac called the name of that well Rehoboth, which means "room"
Questions for discussion
1.         What do other kids do when they want to pick a fight?
2.         How about your brother/sister?
3.         How do you feel when someone says that something you own is his/hers?
4.         What happened to Isaac’s servants?
5.         What did they do?
6.         How many wells did they have to dig before the herdsman of Gerar didn’t bother them?
7.         What is the best thing to do if someone picks a fight with you?
Key concepts
Isaac’s servants had moved into a new territory. Part of moving into new territory involved finding water for the flocks they were caring for. As Isaac's men dug wells, the herdsman living in the new territory argued with them and kept claiming the wells as their own.
Instead of fighting back and fighting for the wells that were rightfully theirs, Isaac and his people just kept moving on and digging another well, until the herdsmen of Gerar left them alone. These men exercised self-control and didn’t fight for their rights. Isaac and his servants set a good example for all of us of what to do if someone picks a fight with you. The best thing to do is to walk away and keep the peace.
(Have kids demonstrate by using building blocks and then another group messing it up and have the first group walk away by using self control.)
Questions for discussion
Q: Have you ever said or done anything and later you wished you hadn’t?
Q: What can happen when you say something without using self-control first?
Q: When are you tempted to speak without thinking first?
Illustration: Vinegar and Baking Soda explosion

Q: Just like our experiment made a mess when you lose self-control it can cause what?
Q: When we do loose self-control and hurt someone what do we do?
Q: When we do something wrong do you know that Jesus already forgave us for it?
-Let’s ask God to help us have the fruit of the Spirit self control in our lives!

(Have two kids pretend to be a lion and the prey)

Consider the self-control of predatory animals as they stalk their prey. Take turns pretending to be both hunter and prey.
Questions for discussion
Q: Do you think only people need to use self-control or do animals have to as well?
Q: Can you think of any animals that might need self-control?
Q: Would these animals ever catch anything if they just charged in on their prey?
Q: Are your parents more likely to give you what you ask for if you have a temper tantrum or if you ask politely?
Q: Will your friend play your game if you speak gently and pleasantly or if you yell and whine?
Key concepts
Animals that stalk their prey need to use self-control. Some examples include owls, cats, coyotes, and wolves. If these animals charged their prey before waiting for an opportune time, they would make a ruckus and the prey would have time to get away. In order to catch their prey, these animals must very carefully sneak up on it. Even though they are close enough to attack and they are very hungry, they must use self-control and wait until exactly the right moment to pounce or they will have no dinner. To be good hunters these animals need a combination of self-control and patience.

These animals can set a good example for us. Let your children know when they are tempted to lose self-control in order to get something they want, they need to remember the wolf/cat/coyote. Remind your children, if they expect to receive something they need, they must use self-control. Prior to playtime, tell your children that if they speak politely, it is more likely that someone will play cooperatively with them.

To extend the learning time, pretend you are animals hunting. Take turns being the hunter and the prey. Have fun sneaking up and pouncing on each other. Then have your children role play some situations in life where they also need to use self-control in order to accomplish a task. Close your time with prayer.
-Pretend someone took your doll what do you do?
-Do a few scenerios where you have to use self control.
-Mom said to wait til’ after dinner for a cookie.
DRINK RELAY: Fill small dixie cups with water. Divide the children into teams and run a relay for the children to run to the dixie cups and drink all the water and run back to their team for the next player to do the same until all the children have had a chance to play.

This is my Dinosaur!
Kaboom Kids Puppets
Wham-O, Kaboom Girl, Slinky-man

Wham-O: Bark! Bark! Check out my new dinosaur, Kaboom girl!
Kaboom girl: Wow! He’s pretty awesome, Wham-O!
Wham-O: This morning he ate my dog.
Kaboom girl: That’s terrible!!!
Wham-O: My hot dog that is! Hee hee! Bark!!
Slinky-Man: Whatcha got there, buddy?
Wham-O: My new dinosaur!! He’s my best friend in the whole world!
Slinky-Man: Yeah? Well it’s my dinosaur! Give it here!
Wham-O: What?!! I’m gonna punch you in the face, buddy!
Kaboom girl: Whoa! Wait a minute, Wham-O! You gotta use self-control!!
Slinky-Man: My dinosaur!! (Takes dinosaur and runs away)
Wham-O: Kaboom girl! He stole my dinosaur and said it was his!!
Kaboom girl: Do you remember our scripture we’ve been learning, Wham-O? About the fruit of the Spirit? The fruit we are learning about today is self-control. Do you know what that means?
Wham-O: It means I want to bite that guy in the leg!!!
Kaboom girl: No, Wham-O, it means when people sometimes do something not nice to use we have to stop ourselves from being mean back. Do you remember our bible story about Isaac and the wells?
Wham-O: I still want to bite him. But, I think you’re right, Kaboom girl. I’m going to go tell my dad about this. (Leaves for a minute. Lots of barking and barking then Wham-O comes back out with the dinosaur.)
Kaboom girl: You got it back!!
Wham-O: Sure did, my dad is pretty big and he just politely asked for it back and that guy handed it right over.
Kaboom girl: That’s great! Hey kids can you say your scripture with me so we remember to use self-control? Ready? Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Wham-O: I’m really glad I used self control, Kaboom girl. Cause his leg probably wouldn’t have tasted very good. Yuck!
Kaboom girl: Me too, Wham-O!!! Bye kids!! Remember to use self-control.
Wham-O: Don’t bite people!! Bye!!

Most of the material on here is from a cool website I found. The puppet skit I wrote, and you're free to use. Hope your kids enjoy! 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Fruit of the Spirit Faithfulness

Fruit of the Spirit
Faithful to Obey God

Order of Service
Story time: Read Bible story about Joshua and the battle of Jericho.
Drawing time: Have kids draw a part of the story and ask them what they remember.
Mini-Sermon: Be faithful to listen!
Puppets: Listen up, Buttercup!
Game: Doggy, Doggy, Where’s your bone.

Being Faithful
Intro: We are talking today about the fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness.
Story review: Joshua was faithful to obey God even when it seemed silly! God asked him to walk around a wall 7 times and not talk at all! Has anyone tried to go 7 days without talking?! That’d be hard right? But, Joshua was faithful to listen to God!
Q: What does faithfulness mean?
Faithfulness is like loyalty. (Hold up toy dog or picture of dog) Take Spike here. Every time his best friend, George, comes home he is faithful to greet him at the door with a big sloppy kiss! When we are faithful to God we are giving our heart to Him. We have the fruit of faithfulness living in us.
Q: What is your favorite TV show?
Q: Are you faithful to watch it every time it’s on?
Q: What are some things that are really good that we can be faithful with?
Q: What is your favorite Video Game?
Q: Are you faithful to play it?
God has given us the fruit of faithfulness to help us be faithful to praying, coming to church, to our family, our friends etc. We are called to be faithful!
Pray: Let’s ask God to help us be faithful to Him and to serve Him with all our hearts! (Pray or have a child pray)

Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo’s Monster Truck, Alligator Show
Wham-O, Kaboom Girl, Bam man

Wham-O: Hurry! Hurry! It’s almost on!! Bark!!
Bam Man: I’m coming! I got the peanut butter and pickles!
Kaboom girl: Peanut butter and pickles? For what?
Bam Man: I can’t watch Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo’s Monster Truck, Alligator Show without peanut butter and pickles, Kaboom girl.
Wham-O: Don’t forget Cheese and ice cream!! Yummmmmy! It’s almost on guys!
Kaboom girl: Why would you mix that stuff? Yuck! Is this that show that….
Bam Man: Yeah! It’s got mud, monster trucks, alligators, and lamas running around.
Wham-O: Wahoo! Here it comes!!!
(All the puppets just stare silently for a few seconds)
Kaboom girl: Did you see that lama break dancing? Wow, I’m so confused.
Wham-O: Wow! That was amazing! Did you see that truck throw mud in that alligators face? It was totally awesome! Varooooooom! Bark! Bark!
Bam Man: I liked the part when the lamas ran across the field and kicked the truck! Ha! That was epic!
Kaboom girl: I still don’t get that show. You guys are pretty faithful to watch it though.
Wham-O: Cause it’s awesome!!
Bam-Man: Let’s watch another one!!
Kaboom girl: Hey guys, do you know what we are talking about today?
Wham-O: Lamas?
Bam-Man: Monster trucks?
Kaboom Girl: Close, but no. We are talking about the fruit of the spirit, faithfulness.
Wham-O: Does it taste like cheese and Ice cream?
Kaboom Girl: No, but it does help us a lot!
Bam Man: I want to try it? Maybe it tastes like lemons and mustard.
Kaboom Girl: You eat that?
Bam Man: Oh yeah!
Wham-O: Every day! Bark!
Kaboom Girl: No, faithfulness isn’t something we eat. It’s something we do. Kind of like how you guys are faithful to watch your T.V show. That’s how we are supposed to be with God, Church, and His word. We have this fruit in our hearts that helps us be faithful to all those things!
Bam Man: There’s fruit in me? Whoa…
Wham-O: I wanna see!!
Kaboom Girl: You can’t really see it, guys it’s something in our hearts. We get to eat of the fruit of faithfulness today!
Wham-O: Bark!! Yeah!!
Bam Man: Is there a scripture that goes with that, Kaboom Girl?
Kaboom Girl: Yeah! It’s a scripture the kids have been learning. Do you remember it, kids?  Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Bam Man: I remember that!
Wham-O: Me too! Those kids are super smart. They should race a lama.
Bam Man: I think they could be the stars of our monster truck show. What do you think guys?
Wham-O: I think they like that idea.
Kaboom Girl: Bye everyone!! Remember to be faithful!
Wham-O: Bye! Bark!
Bam Man: Bye!

Natasha House ©Copyright 2013

You can use my material just please don't sell it. Thanks! 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Fruit of the Spirit Lesson 4: Patience

Fruit of the Spirit
Lesson 4

Order of service.
Praise and worship songs
Read: The First Rainbow (Noah and the Ark)
Drawing Time: Have kids draw part of the story on a piece of paper and ask them what they remember about the story and who was in it. Talk to the kids about how Noah, his family, and the animals had to wait a long time before they could leave the ark.
Mini Sermon: Patience
Puppets: Why do I have to wait?
Craft: Make a boat and a rainbow with tissue paper or colored paper. you could use this one for the paper plate craft.
Game: Play red light green light, Mother may I, What time is it Mr. Fox
Mini sermon
What you need: Christmas present/picture/Christmas item of some kind, bag of popcorn)

Q: What is patience?
Q: How many of you like Christmas? (Hold Christmas item/present/picture)
Before Christmas we wait a long time before we get to open our presents. Sometimes it feels like forever!!
Q: How many of you count down the days before Christmas?
It can be really hard to be patient. But, if we opened all our presents before we were supposed to Christmas wouldn’t be special. God has given us a Fruit Of The Spirit called: Patience. Sometimes when we pray we have to wait for an answer. It doesn’t always come like microwave popcorn!
(Share a bag of popcorn while you talk)
When we pray for something we need to ask God to help us have the fruit of patience so that we don’t get sad and not believe God for our answer.
Noah had to be patient when God flooded the earth. He had to trust and believe that the water would go away and that there would be dry ground again. God put a rainbow in the sky as a promise that He’d never flood the whole earth again.
Q: Have you ever been on a long car trip? Was it hard to be patient?
Next time you feel impatient for something just ask God for that fruit of patience.
Let’s count to three and say: I have the fruit of patience. One….two…three…I have the fruit of patience!

Why Do I have to Wait?
Kaboom girl, Bam-Man, Wham-O

Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

Wham-O: I want it!
Bam-Man: No, I want it!
Wham-O: Bark! I want it!
Bam-Man: No!! I want it!
Kaboom girl: What are you guys fighting about?
Wham-O: I want the new Blinky-bongo game with high action, super cool fighting, and top of the line graphics!
Bam-Man: No! I want it first!
Kaboom girl: Doesn’t that game come out next month?
Wham-O: Yeah, but I’m getting it now!
Bam-Man: Me too! I’m going to get it first, Wham-O!
Kaboom girl: Guys, guys, that game isn’t out yet. You have to have patience and wait for it to come out next month.
Wham-O: Bark! Patience? What’s patience? Can I eat it?
Bam-Man: I wonder if it tastes like chicken.
Kaboom girl: I don’t think so guys. Um, patience is when you calmly wait for something. Like when it’s your birthday and you have to wait to open your presents.
Wham-O: Wait, you have to wait for those? I always just find them.
Bam-Man: Yeah, me too.
Kaboom girl: Oh brother, you guys need the fruit of patience. We should learn our scripture today. Do you remember it guys? It’s Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Wham-O: Oh yeah, I like fruit. I remember that one.
Bam-Man: So we can’t eat patience?
Kaboom girl: No, you can’t eat it. But you can learn about it. Here, let’s say it kids. You repeat after me okay? Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Wham-O: Those kids are smarter than Mickey Mouse.
Bam-Man: I don’t know about Mickey Mouse, but they are definitely smarter than Sponge Bob. Can I try and say it Kaboom girl?
Kaboom girl: Sure Bam-Man, go for it!
Bam-Man: Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit loops of the Spirit is loafs of bread, junky cars, pears, patty cake, and lots of bears.
Kaboom girl: Hmmm, I don’t know if that was quite right was it guys? Let’s say it again for him. Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Wham-O: That is easy! Okay, I got this, Kaboom girl. Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is little tiny chipmunks who run through my yard and eat all my dog bones!!
Kaboom girl: Did that happen to you Wham-O?
Wham-O: Yes!! They ate all my bones!! Bark!
Bam-Man: Can you say that again, Kaboom girl?
Kaboom girl: Sure! Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Bam-Man: Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Kaboom girl: Great job!!
Wham-O: I can’t wait to have patience! Cause patience is a wonderful thing! Hurry up, hurry up, I want it more than anything!!
Kaboom girl: Um, Wham-O I think you’re missing the point. Let’s help Wham-O learn this too. Ready everyone? Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Wham-O: Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Kaboom girl: You got it!!!
Wham-O: Now can I go get that game?
Kaboom girl: Oh man!
Bam-Man: I’m getting it first!
Kaboom girl: Come on guys I better teach you more about patience.

Copyright ©Natasha House 6-15-13
I give you permission to use my material (puppet skit and sermon) Have fun!! 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Fruit of the Spirit Lesson 1 :Love

Fruit of the Spirit
Lesson 1: Love
Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Order of Service
2.      Bible Story-A wife for Isaac (Rebecca and Isaac)
3.      Draw what you learned! (Have the kids draw a part of the story to see what they learned)
4.      Mini Sermon: What is love?
5.      Puppets: Tomato Gang attack
6.      Craft: Have a giant tree made out of poster board and then print off fruit with the word love on them and have kids color and cut them out and glue them to the tree.
7.      Snack: Heart shaped cookies/fruit snacks

Q: What is your favorite Fruit?
Today we are going to learn about the fruit of the Spirit. The first fruit we are going to learn is love. 
Q: What Is Love?
Q: What do we do to show love to others?
Q: What did God do for us to show us His love?
The bible says in John 3:16 That God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting live.
Just like when someone gives you a gift because they love you, God gave us the best gift in the whole world! His only son!
It also says in 1 John 4:8 He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
Q:What did Jesus do to show that He was love?
We know God loves us because in Romans 5:8 it says: But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
It’s like spiderman, he goes around rescuing people in his city and they are mean to him! Even though God saved everyone from their sins it’s up to them to accept him as a loving God and a good God!
Q: So what is God?
We have the love of God living inside of us when we ask Jesus in our hearts. So when we don’t feel like loving someone, we can ask God to help us love them like He does!
Q: Does anyone want Jesus living inside of their hearts?

Kaboom Puppets
Tomato Gang attack
Kaboom girl, Bam-man, and Wham-O
Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

Bam-man: Ahhhhh! Watch out for killer tomatoes!!!!!
Wham-O: (Making explosion sounds) BOOOM! BOOM!!
Bam-Man: Out of the garden comes, the ferocious, the crazy, the ugly, and the stinky, tomato gang!
Wham-O: (Making a theme song tune like mission impossible) Dun, dunn, dunn, wheee, wheee,
Bam-Man: (Starts throwing little wadded up paper tomatoes) Take cover!!!
Wham-O: (hits the deck with loud explosion sounds) BOOM!!!
Kaboom girl: What are you guys doing?
Bam-man: Oh, hey, Kaboom girl, we are attacking the kids with tomatoes.
Wham-O: Bark! Yup!!
Kaboom girl: Why?
Bam-man: Because the tomato gang is eeeeeeeevil!
Wham-o: (starts singing mission impossible again) Dun, dun, dun, dun….dooooadooo!
Kaboom: Did you guys know that God loved everyone so much that he gave Jesus even for the evil tomato gang.
Wham-O: That’s crazy! Bark! Do you know what did? They stole Mrs. Peabottom piggy bank! Right under her nose!
Bam-Man: And, they ate all my Girl Scout cookies! Those no good….urrrr rascals! We were just having fun pretending to be them to mess with these kids. Did you see their faces, they were scared!
Wham-O: That one was shaking in her booties!
Kaboom girl: Guys, listen I think we need to learn our scripture today so we can teach the kids about love. There are a lot of fruits of the spirit we are going to learn about.
Bam-Man: Oh man I love fruit! My favorite fruit is peanut butter!
Wham-O: Mine’s chocolate!
Kaboom girl: Guys, those are not fruits. What are some fruits kids?
Bam-Man: Are you guys sure those are fruits? That seems fishy to me.
Wham-O: I think M&M’s are definitely a fruit, Kaboom girl.
Kaboom girl: Are you guys ready to learn today’s scripture? Okay, here we go. Ready set go: Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Bam-Man: But the fruit of the spirit is whaaa??
Wham-O: Chocolate!
Kaboom girl: Oh brother, this is going to take awhile. I’ll say it again okay? Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Bam-man: I totally got this one guys. Galations 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is (singing) I I I I…will always love you…..oooooooohhh….will always love you……
Kaboom girl: Oh no, that is.well you got at least the love part right. Here, Bam-Man we’ll say it again okay? Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Wham-O: I want to try it Kaboom girl!! Here we go! Galations 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, (singing) joyful, joyful, we adore thee…God of glory God of might…dun dun dun!
Kaboom girl: Is that right kids?
Bam-Man: Well, how about this Kaboom girl? Galatians 5:22-23 But the fart of the Spirit is love, soy, niece, pepper spray, kind fluffy bunnies, goose fathers, freckles, gentleness, sticky fingers.
Wham-O: Nailed it!!!
Kaboom girl: Oh no…no…we better help Bam-man out. I don’t think the Holy Spirit farts, Bam-Man.
Wham-O: No way! Hey I’ll try it again, Kaboom girl. Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is lots of chocolate, jolly ranchers, popsicles, pixie sticks, kit-kats, gushers, fudge, gummy bears, snickers
Kaboom girl: I think, Wham-O, you got candy on the brain. Come on kids we better help him again! Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Bam-Man: Totally got it this time everyone. Listen up! Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Kaboom girl: Great job!!! High five your neighbor for helping out Bam-Man. Okay, Wham-O you think you got it?
Wham-O: Chocolate, bark! Sure I’ll try it again! Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Kaboom girl: Way to go buddy!! Give Wham-O a round of applause!!
Bam-Man: Okay, now can we get some candy because I’m starving.
Wham-O: Chocolate! Chocolate! Chocolate!
Kaboom girl: Bye kids!!! See ya soon! Thanks for your help!

Natasha House Copyright©2013
I give you permission to use my material! Just give me comments how our kids liked it! Have fun!