Thursday, July 11, 2013

Fruit of the Spirit Faithfulness

Fruit of the Spirit
Faithful to Obey God

Order of Service
Story time: Read Bible story about Joshua and the battle of Jericho.
Drawing time: Have kids draw a part of the story and ask them what they remember.
Mini-Sermon: Be faithful to listen!
Puppets: Listen up, Buttercup!
Game: Doggy, Doggy, Where’s your bone.

Being Faithful
Intro: We are talking today about the fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness.
Story review: Joshua was faithful to obey God even when it seemed silly! God asked him to walk around a wall 7 times and not talk at all! Has anyone tried to go 7 days without talking?! That’d be hard right? But, Joshua was faithful to listen to God!
Q: What does faithfulness mean?
Faithfulness is like loyalty. (Hold up toy dog or picture of dog) Take Spike here. Every time his best friend, George, comes home he is faithful to greet him at the door with a big sloppy kiss! When we are faithful to God we are giving our heart to Him. We have the fruit of faithfulness living in us.
Q: What is your favorite TV show?
Q: Are you faithful to watch it every time it’s on?
Q: What are some things that are really good that we can be faithful with?
Q: What is your favorite Video Game?
Q: Are you faithful to play it?
God has given us the fruit of faithfulness to help us be faithful to praying, coming to church, to our family, our friends etc. We are called to be faithful!
Pray: Let’s ask God to help us be faithful to Him and to serve Him with all our hearts! (Pray or have a child pray)

Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo’s Monster Truck, Alligator Show
Wham-O, Kaboom Girl, Bam man

Wham-O: Hurry! Hurry! It’s almost on!! Bark!!
Bam Man: I’m coming! I got the peanut butter and pickles!
Kaboom girl: Peanut butter and pickles? For what?
Bam Man: I can’t watch Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo’s Monster Truck, Alligator Show without peanut butter and pickles, Kaboom girl.
Wham-O: Don’t forget Cheese and ice cream!! Yummmmmy! It’s almost on guys!
Kaboom girl: Why would you mix that stuff? Yuck! Is this that show that….
Bam Man: Yeah! It’s got mud, monster trucks, alligators, and lamas running around.
Wham-O: Wahoo! Here it comes!!!
(All the puppets just stare silently for a few seconds)
Kaboom girl: Did you see that lama break dancing? Wow, I’m so confused.
Wham-O: Wow! That was amazing! Did you see that truck throw mud in that alligators face? It was totally awesome! Varooooooom! Bark! Bark!
Bam Man: I liked the part when the lamas ran across the field and kicked the truck! Ha! That was epic!
Kaboom girl: I still don’t get that show. You guys are pretty faithful to watch it though.
Wham-O: Cause it’s awesome!!
Bam-Man: Let’s watch another one!!
Kaboom girl: Hey guys, do you know what we are talking about today?
Wham-O: Lamas?
Bam-Man: Monster trucks?
Kaboom Girl: Close, but no. We are talking about the fruit of the spirit, faithfulness.
Wham-O: Does it taste like cheese and Ice cream?
Kaboom Girl: No, but it does help us a lot!
Bam Man: I want to try it? Maybe it tastes like lemons and mustard.
Kaboom Girl: You eat that?
Bam Man: Oh yeah!
Wham-O: Every day! Bark!
Kaboom Girl: No, faithfulness isn’t something we eat. It’s something we do. Kind of like how you guys are faithful to watch your T.V show. That’s how we are supposed to be with God, Church, and His word. We have this fruit in our hearts that helps us be faithful to all those things!
Bam Man: There’s fruit in me? Whoa…
Wham-O: I wanna see!!
Kaboom Girl: You can’t really see it, guys it’s something in our hearts. We get to eat of the fruit of faithfulness today!
Wham-O: Bark!! Yeah!!
Bam Man: Is there a scripture that goes with that, Kaboom Girl?
Kaboom Girl: Yeah! It’s a scripture the kids have been learning. Do you remember it, kids?  Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Bam Man: I remember that!
Wham-O: Me too! Those kids are super smart. They should race a lama.
Bam Man: I think they could be the stars of our monster truck show. What do you think guys?
Wham-O: I think they like that idea.
Kaboom Girl: Bye everyone!! Remember to be faithful!
Wham-O: Bye! Bark!
Bam Man: Bye!

Natasha House ©Copyright 2013

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