Saturday, May 11, 2013

Don’t be a Big mouth! Lesson 1

Don’t be a Big mouth!
Lesson 1
Praise Songs
Bible Story: Balaam and the Donkey
Have kids draw something from the story and discus with kids what they learned
Puppet Skit
Scripture Game: Get a poster board and draw a tree. Write the scripture on it, cut it up, and tape it around the room. Let the kids hunt for the scripture and then put it together.
Games: Play Telephone and Mrs. Mumble
Crafts: Have kids make a “nice words” card for someone. Make flowers out of popsicle sticks, buttons, glue, colored paper cupcake cups etc. Tape Scripture to the craft for kids to take home.
Ephesians 4:29
Watch your talk! No bad words should be coming from your mouth.
Say what is good. Your words should help others grow.

Don’t be a Big mouth!
Lesson 1
Puppets: Wham-O, Kaboom Girl, Bam Man

Ephesians 4:29
Watch your talk! No bad words should be coming from your mouth. Say what is good. Your words should help others grow.

Wham-O: Blah, blah, blabbedy, blabbedy, blah, blah, blah. Bark! Bark!
Kaboom girl: Wham-O, what are you doing?
Wham-O: Well, I was walking into the candy shop when this dog named Spike shoved me out of the way and ran and grabbed all the gummy worms. So, I called him a blah, blah, blah, blabbedy, blabbedy and stomped on his foot!
Bam Man: You called him a what?
Wham-O: A blah, blah, blah, because he was acting like one!
Kaboom girl: Wham-O, were you trying to call him names?
Wham-O: Yah! He totally deserved it, for acting like that! I mean, who steals all the gummy worms!
Bam Man: First off, Wham-O the words blah, blah, blah aren’t insults. If you want to really hurt him you gotta punch him in the face!
Kaboom girl: Bam Man! No! That isn’t the answer! I think we better learn our scripture quick today.
Wham-O: I still think he’s a blah, blah, blah, blabbedy!
Bam Man: Alright, what’s our scripture, Kaboom girl?
Kaboom girl: Ephesians 4:29
Watch your talk! No bad words should be coming from your mouth. Say what is good. Your words should help others grow.
Wham-O: So I shouldn’t call that dog a blah, blah?
Bam Man: Wait, so I can’t call people fat head, pickle brains, or booger breath anymore? Man!
Kaboom girl: Those words can hurt people, Bam Man, so no, plus booger breath? Gross!
Wham-O: Well let’s see if I can lean that scripture, Kaboom girl.
Bam Man: Eph 4:29?
Kaboom girl: Yup! Eph 4:29 Watch your talk!
Wham-O: Eph 4:29 Pet your hawk!
Bam man: Hawks are so awesome! I one time had a hawk and took it to the park and it ate a frog. It was so amazing!
Kaboom girl: Focus boys! Not pet your hawk. I said WATCH YOUR TALK!
Wham-O: Oh, like put your eye on your mouth? Isn’t that impossible?
Kaboom girl: Kids, can anyone tell these boys what that means? To watch your talk?
Bam Man: Oh, I get it. So make sure what you say isn’t bad, right?
Kaboom girl: Exactly. Let’s try this again. Repeat this after me kids: Eph 4:29, Watch your talk! No bad words should be coming from your mouth. Say what is good. Your words should help others grow.
Wham-O: I totally got it this time, Bark! Eph 4:29 Watch your talk! No sad swords should be coming from your mouth. Eat all your pudding. Your nerds should help others have a fro.
Bam Man: I want a fro, don’t you think a fro would match my eyes?
Kaboom girl: Kids we better repeat this again for them, cause they aren’t getting at all! Ephesians 4:29
Watch your talk! No bad words should be coming from your mouth. Say what is good. Your words should help others grow.
Wham-O: Eph 4:29 Watch your talk! Snow rats should be coming from your mouth. Spray water on Sue. Your goobers should help others grow.
Bam Man: I got a spray bottle around here somewhere. Are any of these kid’s named Sue?
Wham-O: I don’t think so, but who cares. (Spray water on kids)
Kaboom girl: Hey guys! I don’t think this scripture says anything about spraying Sue. Kids, maybe you should repeat it again. Help these fellas out! Eph 4:29. Watch your talk! No bad words should be coming from your mouth. Say what is good. Your words should help others grow.
Bam Man: Like a tree grows? So, if we say nice stuff, people will grow as tall as trees?
Wham-O: Then giants would rule the land! That’d be scary!!
Kaboom girl: Boys, boys, no, no. That’s the wrong kind of growing. It’s talking about growing in your heart.
Bam Man: A tree grows in your heart?!
Wham-O: We better tell everyone!! Trees are taking over the world!
Kaboom girl: Wow. Okay, listen. Can anyone tell them what this scripture means by growing?
Bam Man: Okay let’s try this again Wham-O. I might remember some of it. Eph 4:29 Watch your talk! No bad words should be coming from your mouth. Say what is good. Your words should help others grow.
Kaboom girl: You got it! Okay, now, you Whamo. Kids, say this again with me, just in case he forgets. Eph 4:29 Watch your talk! No bad words should be coming from your mouth. Say what is good. Your words should help others grow.
Wham-O: Okay, okay, I got it for sure this time, bark! Eph 4:29 Watch your talk! No bad words should be coming from your mouth. Say what is good. Your words should help others grow.
Kaboom girl: Wow, you got it, Whamo-O.
Bam Man: I’m impressed.
Wham-O: Hey, you guys want to buy me some gummy worms?
Kaboom girl: Gummy worms do sound really, really good.
Bam Man: So now that I can’t call people bad stuff what do I call them?
Kaboom girl: You say nice stuff to them instead.
Wham-O: Like chocolate cupcake, jelly bean, sprinkles, and stuff like that? Bark!
Bam Man: You’re making me hungry! Let’s go get some gummy worms guys.  

Natasha House ©Copyright 2013

I give you permission to use my puppet skits. Just please don't sell them. Thanks. I would love to hear how your kids enjoy these lessons! Thanks! 

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