Saturday, May 18, 2013

Picklelicious Harvest/Missions lesson 1

Harvest/Missions Lesson 1
Praise Songs
Bible Story: Saul turned into Paul
Drawing time: Give kids each a piece of paper and have them draw what they learned about the story.
Illustrated Sermon: Talk about how pickles were once cucumbers and through a process (like becoming a Christian) they become something new!
Game: Throw close pins into a pickle jar
Scripture Game: Have kids tape scripture pickles into a giant jar drawn on poster board.
Craft: Get jars/pickle if possible, paint them, and then have kids cut out and color pickle scripture and fill their jar with it.
Snack: Have pickles for snack
Scripture: 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to the knowledge of the truth.

Puppets: Wham-O, Kaboom Girl, Bam Man,
Props: Jar of pickles(paper or foam with scripture on it), hammer, laser or flashlight
(Jar of Pickles on stage)
Wham-O: I can’t open this jar of pickles! Bark! Open pickles!
Kaboom Girl: Hey, Wham-O, whatcha doing?
Wham-O: I can’t open this pickle jar. I really, really, really want pickles. I’m pickle crazy!
Bam Man: I have super strength! I’ll open that jar of pickles! Give it here, Wham-O. Ugh….ugh….man…this jar is tough! Come on open, jar!
Kaboom Girl: Let me try, guys. One...two…three. Open! Ugh…urrrrgggg…this is one stubborn jar! Maybe if we shoot it with a laser!
Wham-O: (pretend laser) Pew! Pew! Eeehhhh….ehhh…it’s not working!
Bam Man: Alright, how about I hit it with a hammer? (pulls out hammer)
Kaboom Girl: Won’t that break it?
Wham-O: Do it! Do it! Bark! Bark!
Bam Man: Here it goes!(Hit pickles with hammer) Wham! Wham!
Kaboom Girl: That didn’t even break it. How is that possible?
Wham-O: Maybe it’s a superhero pickle jar. I betcha it has super strength! Bark!
Bam Man: Well, I guess we aren’t eating pickles. Hey, what’s our scripture to learn today?
Kaboom girl: It looks like it’s written on the pickle jar.
Wham-O: Oooh! I wanna read it! 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to the knowledge of the truth. Bark! What does that mean?
Kaboom Girl: I think it means that God wants everyone to receive Jesus, so they can go to heaven. He wants everyone to be saved!
Bam Man: I think I can say it already, guys. Here I go. 2 Peter 3 zillion: The sword of Link wants no one to eat spinach, but that everyone should eat candy all day long. That is the honest truth! Did I get it guys?
Kaboom Girl: I don’t think so, Bam Man. I think people would get sick eating candy all day long.
Wham-O: I think the pickle jar should tell us the scripture. Ready, pickle jar? (Talks for the pickle jar in a high voice) 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to the knowledge of the truth.
Kaboom Girl: That pickle jar totally nailed it! Let’s have the kids say it with the pickle jar, Wham-O.
Wham-O: (in high voice) 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to the knowledge of the truth.
Bam Man: I think that pickle jar is a genius.
Wham-O: I want to try it! 2 Peter 3:9 The cord is not willing that any should pop a pimple, but that all should come to the knowledge of monster trucks are cool.
Kaboom Girl: Monster trucks? What? Why would a cord not want anyone to pop a pimple? Let’s say this scripture again! Pickle jar, how about you say it!
Wham-O: (high voice) Ready kids? Repeat after me! 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to the knowledge of the truth. Wow, these kids are super smart! Look, their brains are huge!
Bam Man: I wonder if they can say it without the pickle jar?
Kaboom girl: I don’t know, I think we should repeat it again just in case. Ready kids? 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to the knowledge of the truth.
Wham-O: See! They are crazy smart. What if they take over the world? Like evil geniuses!
Bam Man: They aren’t going to take over the world, Wham-O. These kids love Jesus!
Kaboom Girl: I wonder if they can say it without the pickle jar? Let’s try it kids! Ready, set, go!
Wham-O: Wow, I’m impressed. I think the pickle jar is impressed too. Look he’s smiling.
Kaboom Girl: He doesn’t have a mouth.
Bam Man: I think I’m going to say it for sure this time. On your mark, get set, go! 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to the knowledge of the truth.
Kaboom Girl: You did it! You did it!
Wham-O: I totally think this pickle jar is a superhero. I think we should give him a superhero name. What do you think kids? Bark! Bark!
Kaboom Girl: That’s a great idea! He could help fight crime with us!
Bam Man: What should his name be, kids?
Wham-O: Those are some great names! Bark! Pickle jar, what do you think? (Pickle jar nods)
Kaboom Girl: Those pickles are alive!
Bam Man: Well, yeah, it was talking!
Wham-O: One more time let’s say that scripture. Ready, set, go! 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to the knowledge of the truth. Bark!
Kaboom Girl: Bye kids!!
Bam Man: Bye!!

Copyright© 2013 Natasha House
I give you permission to use my material just please don't sell it. Thanks! Let me know what your kids think!

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